I made it! I have reached my final week of tapering. That means my preparation for this Saturday's big marathon attempt (Round 2) has almost reached it's end. Minus the half marathon I rocked Sunday, I am running a whopping 7 miles this week. It is a nice break from running, but I can't help but think I am losing precious fitness with each day. I managed to perform well in my half marathon even with the reduced mileage, but 13.1 is a weekly long run distance for me...at least. Not a marathon.
It probably goes without saying that I am really nervous. The thought of hitting that damn "wall" really scares me. The feeling was dreadful the first time. I have never felt so weak and defeated in my life (even if I just ran 23 miles). I do feel that I am better prepared this time. I had a tapering period, unlike before. I am bringing food and drinks my stomach has already tested on long runs. My running buddy, Ashley will be joining me for the final stretch. I also have a pace plan that is the definition of "slow and steady."
Additionally, this marathon attempt will be different because of the route I am taking. It is the exact same trail as before, only this time, I am going in the opposite direction, which is downstream. It never really dawned on me that going upstream meant I was at a constant incline the whole way. That may have been one of the many factors that prevented me from performing well back in March.
Anyway, I will leave you on a brighter note...err...picture. They finally posted the photos from Freedom's Run. I LOVE my pictures.
What are your thoughts on tapering? Do you feel like you lose fitness or do you think it helps?
How do you shake nerves for a distance run you have never tried before?
What are some of your marathon preparation tips?
Of course the marathon itself is all a mental game. If you believe you will hit a wall, you will, so by default, DON"T THINK IT! I also go by the mantra "Trust your training" it is preparing your legs to do the work, and it has. You will do great.