Marathon Training: Week 15 & 7 Days Before the Marathon

As I approach my final week of training (my stomach does 930809483 flips just thinking of this), I have been researching what to do the week before a marathon. Not only do I want to be prepared physically, but most of all, mentally. Following a plan will help me feel better prepared for the big day next Saturday.

So far, I have gotten as far as downloading songs I NEED on my iPod that day. Here are a few I needed to add to the marathon playlist...
Anytime I mention anything about Miley, this picture needs posted...

It's not easy finding 4+ hours of music to keep me amped for the whole time. 

Aside from is what my Week 15 looked like...

6 Miles4 MilesRest4 Miles3.1 MilesRest8 Miles

I have also been checking out articles on what to do before a marathon. Here are what most articles recommended.

  1. Taper! After some grueling long runs, recovery before a marathon is important! Allow your muscles to rest and repair on the weeks leading up to a marathon. I, personally, have reduced this week's mileage (Saturday - Friday) to about 20 miles, with Monday, Thursday and Friday as active rest days. My longest run is 8 miles, which was today.
  2. Hydrate! Keep filling up that water bottle. The last thing you want for a marathon is to be dehydrated! It will impact your performance. I am terrible at keeping hydrated, but I will try my best to keep to the 8 a day rule for this week!
  3. Eat Right! The idea is to carb-load, right? Don't overdo it! You are already tapering, obviously you aren't exerting as many calories this week. So you are already loading up as we speak! And remember, just because you are running a marathon does not mean to indulge in fatty or sugary foods. Keep your choices healthy and whole! Try to include lots of bananas, proteins, whole grains, etc.
  4. Prepare! What are you wearing on race day? Check the weather and pack additional items in case of last minute changes, like rain! So far, they are calling for 40-50 degree temps with clear skies in DC, but I will back extra socks in case of rain and gloves if colder in the AM. I am also bringing my Hips-Sister and packing it with a few food items I am aware my stomach can handle on a run (Arbonne Chocolate Bars, Nature Valley Granola Bars, and Skittles). Plastic baggies will also be included to protect my electronics from rain.

Honestly, I am getting nervous just running through this list. I know I will be all right though. Today was my last long run prior to the race. I contemplated whether I should run flat on the C&O or hills on the road. Although, I prefer the C&O trail for the scenery, I opted for road running because I know that hills would be good for me. The rest of the week, however, will be C&O just to keep it easy for the final taper.

I tried to keep today's run relatively easy, but a few miles went into the 8-9 minute range. It had me a little tired (which may also be due to the nerves in my belly making me feel ill), but I kept reminding myself that I will be running 2-3 minutes slower for most of the race. At least...that's the idea. BUT, my plans never seem to work when race day comes, which is why I wonder if I am worried about pace for nothing. 9 out of 10 times I go faster than my pace plan in all races I participate in.

Anyway, here's what the next few days look like...

5 - 6 Miles4 Miles4 MilesRest1 - 3 MilesRestMARATHON

I can almost gaurentee that this plan will change 19387498237 times before the marathon comes. Hell, I may make Monday or Tuesday a rest day, but I REALLY want to take advantage of the time change and get some evening runs in on the trail (it is supposed to be GORGEOUS weather).

Anyone on their last week of training? What are your running plans?

Will I see any of you on Saturday in DC?

1 comment

  1. Check out for great remixes for running.


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